"The essay can be a powerful 'tipper' in close cases, especially with very strong or very poor essays."

 - William C. Hiss
VP for External Affairs Bates College, ME

Education transforms. But finding the right transformation isn't easy. We offer advisement for young people and their families as they choose the right undergraduate environment. We help young professionals apply to business school and future lawyers explain their intentions and goals. In particular, we are experts in the thinking process behind a persuasive and powerful personal statement.

An application is a jumble of information, a jigsaw puzzle of pieces that may or may not fit easily together. The essays are the applicants' opportunity to tell their story and bring together a clear and memorable picture of who they are, what they've done, and how they will enhance the schools to which they are applying. Not stuff you want to undertake without some guidance, feedback, and support.

Whether you are an applicant, a school in search of a training workshop for students, a company looking for a useful program for employees with application-aged children, or a future MBA, we can make a positive difference for you.